III- Physiological Aging of skin cells
- Skin cells become less receptive to stimulation by hormones or other physiological
- Skin cells lose their capacity of stocking nutrients and energy and of using oxygen.
- Cellular metabolism (synthesis of nutrients & elimination of toxins) declines.
- Microcirculation weakens and thus there’s less available new oxygen for cell oxygenation
and renewal.
- Cellular renewal slows down.
- The cells loose part of their internal fluids
- Less sebum is secreted the skin becomes dryer
- Decrease of collagen & elastin synthesis and renewal.
- A bad and rigid collagen is formed.
- Breaking down of more elastin by enzyme elastase that leads to skin flaccidity
- Cells adaptation to external variations decreases; skin becomes more reactive and sensitive.
- Immune response decreases also; skin becomes prone to infection and
inflammatory reactions.